My professional profile was completely purged by LinkedIn in April of 2022 due to my sharing opinions and articles which exposed and conflicted with the numerous narratives/lies being propagated through the platform. I had nearly 10,000 connections on LinkedIn prior to the purge. Hence, as I no longer existed on linkedIn, I created the bio below.
UPDATE: As of Dec ‘24 my Linkedin account and profile has been re-instated. I still plan on using this as my primary bio moving forward, however, as it’s unclear how long they’ll let me stay due to their arbitrary definition of what constitutes spreading misinformation in their “terms of service”.
I am a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer, Americanist and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love.
I have spent my entire professional career developing strategic alliances and partnerships within a business development or infrastructure advisor of various sorts. I have worked for and with large corporations, seed stage startups, state and national boards, public/private partnerships, lobbying organizations and economic development groups.
I grew up in the North Shore of Chicago, moved to Silicon Valley for University in ‘98 and remained there until moving to Raleigh, North Carolina in 2016. I currently reside in the upstate of South Carolina not far from Greenville, SC and Charlotte, NC.
I’ve had the privilege to travel through 48 of our 50 states and produced various technology related training events and materials over the past 20+ years hosted in most major cities within these states.
Over the past 5 years I have been involved with a number of projects focused on building and delivering cancel proof digital infrastructure, devices and applications that are empowering local communities using decentralized and open source frameworks.
I believe in action, questioning the status quo, learning from my mistakes and simply making things happen.
The future I am co-creating will be local, decentralized and open source. To this end I spend my time empowering local communities using decentralized and open source frameworks and connecting with like minded doers who are:
unafraid to work on the front lines of the war we are in
operating with their eyes wide open
unapologetic in their faith
supporting the America First platform
If you resonate with what you see here, or through any of the links below, please reach out.
Let’s talk!
Co-Founder/Catalyst, 2022 - Present
We deliver digital privacy, security and sovereignty. Home of the Ghost Phone, Ghost Tablet & Ghost Laptop.
Intelligence On Demand (
Co-Founder/Catalyst, 2022 - Present
A dedicated team of American researchers from the private sector who've had enough of misinformation and deceit. Our mission is to equip our readers with the truth, relevant documentation, and a deeper understanding of critical people, companies and organizations shaping relevant events.
Founder/CEO, 2006 – Present
Data center industry consulting firm helping service providers and investors focused on mission critical infrastructure make smarter decisions
Licensed Real Estate Agent (North Carolina)
Broker, 2021 - Present
Founder/CEO, 2019 – Present
IT infrastructure consulting firm helping buyers make smarter decisions when purchasing data center, cloud, hosting, network, phone system and general communications technologies
Co-Founder, 2021
Global internet infrastructure company committed to American principles online
Producer and Host, 2017-2020
Long form conversations with the most successful, innovative and fascinating personalities in the data center industry
Account Executive, 2009 – 2011
Top performer 6 consecutive quarters for one of the leading providers of data center solutions throughout North America and Europe
Director of Sales, 2007 – 2009
Regional provider of data center, hosting and network solutions on the west coast
Regional Sales Manager, 2006 - 2007
A global crowdsourcing software development company with an open global community of designers, developers, data scientists, and competitive programmers.
AllDorm Inc.
Director of All Things Retail, 2000 – 2005
Your college everything superstore
Precinct Executive Committeeman, Spartanburg County GOP
Elected, April 2023
North Carolina State Board of Science Technology and Innovation
Appointed by the NC Speaker of the House, 2020 - 2022
State-authorized advisory board administered by the Office of Science, Technology & Innovation at the North Carolina Department of Commerce. The North Carolina Board of Science, Technology & Innovation encourages, promotes, and supports scientific, engineering, and industrial research applications in North Carolina. Its mission is to improve the economic well‐being and quality of life of all North Carolinians through advancing science, technology, and innovation.
Appointed by US Secretary of Commerce, North Carolina 2016 - 2021 and Northern California 2012 - 2015
DECs are organizations of business leaders from local communities whose knowledge of and expertise in international business provides a source of professional advice for their region’s local firms. Closely affiliated with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Export Assistance Centers and the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service supporting the U.S. Government’s export promotion efforts.
Member, North Carolina – Eastern Carolina, 2016 - 2020
A partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure.
I left this organization and stopped participating when it became clear those in the private sector involved were only interested in Gov contracts and those from the Fed side were not actually interested in making any meaningful impact or change to protect We the People.
Internet Infrastructure Coalition
Member, 2015 - 2019
The i2Coalition (Internet Infrastructure Coalition) ensures that those who build the infrastructure of the Internet have a voice in public policy. We are the leading voice for web hosting companies, data centers, domain registrars and registries, cloud infrastructure providers, managed services providers, and related tech. We protect innovation and the continued growth of the Internet’s infrastructure which is essential to the global economy.
Founder, 2017 – 2021
A collaborative society of bipartisan North Carolina stakeholders committed to the collective growth of our cities, counties and the state. Esse Quam Videri is a Latin phrase meaning “to be, rather than to seem” and is the state motto for North Carolina.
Advisory Board, 2017 – 2019
Not-for-profit 501(c)3 focused on economic development related activities for the city of Raleigh in North Carolina.
Co-Founder, 2006 - 2013
Community of entrepreneurs, as well as technology and engineering focused professionals, focused on developing companies and opportunities within the local city and county of Santa Cruz.
I invest in marketplaces ripe for disruption and innovation. I believe my track record of success is rooted in the fact that I invest first and foremost in people with high Emotional Intelligence (EQ), a passion higher and deeper than simply profits and a track record of unrelenting determination.
JusCollege – Entered 2010 / Exited 2018 (10x Return)
Paystand – Entered 2013 / Exited 2020 (5x Return)
LifeAid Beverage Company – Entered 2011 / Exited 2021 (12x Return)
SNAP – Entered 2014
Variable Inc. - Entered 2014
Steeped Coffee – Entered 2018
STORE – Entered 2020
Tuttle Twins Show, LLC – Entered 2020
RightForge – Entered 2021
MARK37 - Entered 2022
Pre-2022 Interviews & Highlights
Right Side Broadcasting Network Interview
How I Got Here; Rich Miller Interviews the Interviewer – Episode 026 w/ Sean Patrick Tario
Author of “Industry Playbook: Data Center Colocation” now on its 4th Edition
Producer and Co-Author of “Industry Playbook: Interconnection Services”
Data Center Training Promotional Video
Sean Patrick, once in a while God, drops a gem in my lap. You, and what you do, are that new gem. I’m very excited to learn and grow by following you and your team. James Charles Philips, is another one of God’s gems. He is such a blessing Spiritually and, with a wisdom that is refreshing. I would never have known about you if it were not for him. I pray a special blessing upon you, your team and now James Charles, as you all seek His will. In Jesus name, Amen! Sincerely, Robin Shay.